Congratulations, you
stumbled upon my first blog post! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Marcella
and Im 25 years old and live in Bible belt U.S.A. I have been wanting to write a blog for quite
some time, I held back because I thought that you had to limit yourself to one
subject. I see now that all blogs are different and so that took some of the
pressure off so to speak. Some of the things I will be writing about in the
upcoming posts will range from Art shows and exhibitions to hairstyling and
what I like to call "Housewifery" which is any and all things
domestic. So what does everyone think of the title of my blog? I chose it
because that is what Im told quite often. That I need to find a time machine
pod and travel back. As much as I love anything from the past, I am quite happy
to be in the present. If anyone has any constructive critiscism , advice, or
questions, please feel free to email me or comment below.
Happy Blogging!
Mrs. M
I LOVED your Tupac quote! Ive actually got a Tupac post pending hehe. Welcome to the blogosphere. Im following you now. oh yes, and your hair is awesome!